Plastic Free Stonehaven

The Enscape team are based in Stonehaven and Stirling, with associates all over the country.  And we are always happy to promote Stonehaven and the amazing work that the community does in the town.  Enscape are really pleased to have signed up to "Plastic Free Stonehaven" and are happy to commit, from March 2024 to remove three single use plastic items from our business stream.  We will also advocate this to other collaborators and clients.

Sunday, 5th May 2024.  Beach clean at Botany Bay in Stonehaven

The Enscape team picked up a total of 14.5 Kg of mostly plastic items.  The breakdown is shown below:

  • Plastic (polyprop etc) ropes: 9.5 Kg (30 to 40 separate lengths of rope).
  • Broken creel metal frame:  5 Kg.
  • One full dog poo bag and small plastic pieces (50 to 60 pieces): less than 1% of total by weight.