Trial for collecting Electrical and Electronic Equipment for Resale

We sourced funding and delivered a pilot project, setting up collections and collaborative operations with a not-for-profit organisation and commercial operator managing electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
Enscape Consulting, through its previous contacts and work with a Scottish Housing Association, developed a successful funding proposal which dovetailed with the Association’s objectives of setting up a collection and recycling project which would provide local benefits through training, job creation and income generation. Funding was ultimately secured for the project from WRAP and Zero Waste Scotland.
The pilot programme involved the recruitment of a dedicated manager, securing a dedicated building (on a rental basis), plus the procurement of storage, processing and haulage infrastructure.
A significant number of organisations in the local community signed up to making donations of EEE to the housing association.
This pilot was underpinned by the project team’s expertise in EEE resale markets, with in depth knowledge of the types of products that retain value and those which are marginal, or are likely to incur liabilities.