Infrastructure Investment Support

Enscape provides support to organisations looking at potential projects involving significant levels of capital investment. We provide business plans, supported by cost benefit analyses, but also provide a hands-on service – doing so by engaging with key stakeholders, potential clients and markets, if required.
Our expertise is complemented by in-depth knowledge of state of the art waste sorting technologies, processes and systems, (see the Waste Technology and Trials section of this website).
The Enscape team has provided support to local authorities and higher education establishments to develop tender documents, scoring systems, tender appraisal support, along with the development of contracts to maximise the return to the client. This support has varied from the procurement of recycling equipment to the delivery of waste collection services on campus.
We have supported clients by appraising technologies proposed in tender submissions, including witnessing the trials of potential sorting equipment. This has included near infra-red, optical and air sorting plant, as well as hand-picking lines, metal separation equipment, fluidised air bed systems, drying and washing plant.
We have provided advice/clauses for tender and contract specifications to ensure required levels of performance are met by tenderers and suppliers, when delivering a waste and recycling collection service.
We have successfully secured grant awards from WRAP and Zero Waste Scotland for both new and expanded/upgraded recycling facilities, as well as kerbside collection infrastructure. This has resulted in in the development of both expanded and brand new facilities.