Energy & Community Engagement

The Enscape team has worked with a wide range of stakeholders to produce feasibility studies for a range of projects, as described below:
- Business plan development of an in-vessel composting facility on the Isle of Bute.
- Mixed renewables assessment: options study for renewable energy projects in the Stonehaven area.
- Anaerobic digestion: Multiple feasibility studies carried out for community-based clients on Mull,
- Skye and Orkney, as well as private developers and government bodies.
- Run of river micro-hydro power schemes: feasibility studies for schemes less than 20kW.
- Scoping studies for public bodies, commercial developers, involving industrial symbiois, net-zero carbon infrastructure, district heating schemes, considering different technologies.
- Energy from waste feedstock analysis.
- Biomass energy feasibility and technology assessment projects.